Rules & Regulations

These are the full contest rules for the Outside Ignite startup pitch competition, part of the Outside Summit at the Outside Festival and Summit 2025. You can read more about the competition and how to enter below:

1. Eligibility

  • You must be 18 years of age or older to participate
  • Companies must be a for-profit company in a Seed to Series A stage, but do not have to have closed a funding round. 
  • Employees of Outside and their family members cannot participate.
  • Employees of any Person or entity judging the competition and their family members cannot participate. 
  • Your company does not need to be based in the United States; international submissions are welcome.
  • All presenting team members must be able to attend, prepared to pitch in-person (i.e. as opposed to via Zoom) on and to potentially receive the award during the Outside Summit, Wednesday, May 29 to Thursday, May 30, in Denver, CO. 
  • We are seeking organizations that will support the future and innovation of the outdoor, health, wellness, and active lifestyle industries, specifically in the following relevant areas:
    • Hard Goods
    • Soft Goods 
    • Outdoor-ready / active lifestyle CPG/Food/Beverage
    • Services
    • Technology / Wearable Technology
    • AI
    • Media
    • Travel
    • Hospitality

2. How to Enter

  1. Required: 
    • Apply via the online form on our website by completing all required fields. All applications must be submitted by Friday, April 11, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (MT).
    • Upload a PDF of a pitch deck (maximum size: 100MB; approximately 10-20 slides) answering the prompts below. Upload it where indicated on the online form. Embedded videos are permitted. 
      • Your submission does not have to follow the order outlined below; organize it as best suits your narrative while ensuring all elements are covered.
      • Your pitch deck submission should clearly demonstrate:
        • A positive impact on the future of the outdoor and active lifestyle industry, which can come from related, in addition to endemic, industries
        • A detailed and compelling explanation of the market need or gap your organization is addressing

Pitch Deck Submission Requirements (PDF): 

  1. Company & Product Overview
    • Company and product overview including what year you were founded and where you’re headquartered
    • Company mission/vision on impact and long term goals 
    • What state of funding are you in?
      • How much funding have you raised? Are you currently raising?
    • How would any new funding support innovation?
    • Do you have any key partners, customers, or pilot programs? Share any notable brands or collaborations. 
  2. Market Opportunity & Growth Potential
    • Market opportunity and competitive advantage including: 
      • Total Addressable Market (TAM)
        • What is the total market size for your product or service if you had 100% market share? (Include a credible source or estimate.)
      • Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM): 
        • What portion of the TAM can your business realistically serve based on geography, customer segments, or industry focus?
      • Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM): 
        • Based on your current strategy, what share of the SAM do you expect to capture in the next 1-3 years?
      • Example format: “The global running shoe market (TAM) is $95B. Our high-performance niche (SAM) is $5B. Based on our current growth trajectory and partnerships, we expect to capture $100M (SOM) in the next 3 years.”)
  3. Competitive Advantage 
    • Who are your biggest competitors? 
    • What’s your main point of differentiation and competitive advantage? 
  4. Business Model & Revenue Strategy 
    • Business model and financials overview including:
      • Historical and projected revenue 
      • Current Revenue Strategy: How do you make money today? What’s your main revenue stream?
      • Future Growth: How do you plan to scale revenue over time?
      • What is your ultimate goal? (i.e. to retain ownership, IPO etc.) 
  5. Team
    • Provide an overview of your company’s structure including your founders/co-founders, number of full-time-employees, part-time employees, board members, and so on as applicable.
    • Please note which team members will be on-site to pitch at Outside Ignite should you be chosen as a finalist. 
    • Please include anything you’d like us to know about what makes your team great as we care deeply about the humans behind the ideas. 

  1. Optional: You may submit one (1) supporting, additional attachment of your choice as indicated on the online form. You will not be penalized if you do not submit an additional attachment. Most typical file formats, including video and images, will be accepted. If you have a specific file type that isn’t accepted when submitting, please contact 

3. Finalist Notification 

Finalists will be notified in mid-April 2025 and provided a detailed overview of presentation expectations, timing limitations, and logistics at that time, including the final Outside Ignite programming schedule and requirements. Your in-person presentation will not have to be the same as your application, and all expectations will be articulated at the time of finalist notification. 

Outside Summit Badge + VIP Upgrade, inclusive of a 2-day VIP Festival pass, will be complimentary to all finalists. Outside Summit Badges + VIP Upgrade will be awarded to the presenting speakers only. Should additional team members need to be on-site for support, additional Outside Ignite working credentials will be awarded on a case-by-case basis and will be aligned upon in writing with the Outside Summit team.

4. Submission Rules

  • The Contest begins at 7:00 a.m. (MT) on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 and ends at 11:59 p.m. (MT) on May 30, 2025. All applications must be submitted by Friday, April 11, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (MT).
  • Submit your application using the website form and include your deck (PDF) per the requirements above.
  • Stories and posts about prize winners will be published on Outside’s online publications and social media channels.
  • Outside may publish additional articles about submissions, even if they aren’t selected as one of the winners receiving cash prizes. By submitting your story, you grant Outside the right to publish that you’ve submitted to Outside Ignite and to link to relevant websites and social media channels.
  • Your submissions will be shared with our submission panel which is made up of third-party partners and judges. By submitting an application, each applicant agrees to Outside disclosing the applicant’s personal information to its sponsors, contractors, and agents to assist in conducting the competition and communicating with entrants. Outside’s submission committee and judges may contact all participants.
  • Entrants warrant and represent that they own all rights (including intellectual property) in the material they submit throughout the competition.
  • All finalists will be expected to present to our panel of judges and Outside Summit attendees on Thursday, May 29, 2025 on-site in Denver, CO as part of our Outside Summit programming.
    • Finalists should anticipate being in Denver, CO no later than the morning of Wednesday, May 28, 2025 (subject to change pending needs for pre-event preparations) 
      • If finalists are unable to be on-site as requested by Outside, their place in the contest will be forfeited. 
    • Finalists will be responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses and logistics (please view our website to take advantage of hotel deals). 
    • Upon request, finalists must provide assets for promotional inclusion, including but not limited to company logos, headshots, bios, and so on. 

5. Judging Criteria

This is the criteria that will be used to award first prize and runner-up. It will also be used to evaluate the initial submissions. All judges’ decisions are final.     

  • Industry Innovation:  25%
    • Judges will assess how novel and forward-thinking your product, service, or technology is in the outdoor industry. Consider:
      • How your offering differs from existing solutions and competitors.
      • The originality of your approach in solving a problem or enhancing outdoor experiences.
      • The potential for long-term impact on the industry (e.g., sustainability, technological advances, market trends).
  • Market Opportunity:  25%
    • This category will evaluate the size, scalability, and untapped potential of the market you are targeting. Applicants should provide:
      • A thorough analysis of the target market, customer segments, and growth potential.
      • Clearly defined market trends or insights that validate the opportunity.
      • Evidence or projections of how the market will grow over time and how your organization can capitalize on it.
  • Execution Feasibility:  20% 
    • Judges will look at the practicality and preparedness of your plan to implement your business model. This includes:
      • A well-thought-out roadmap for bringing your product/service to market.
      • Clear operational plans, resource allocation, and timeline for scaling your offering.
      • Evidence of past execution, milestones achieved, or a pilot program demonstrating feasibility.
      • Demonstration that your team is one that can execute your vision as seen through the skillsets they bring to the table.
  • Financial Viability: 20%
    • This section will evaluate the financial sustainability of your business, focusing on:
      • Projected revenue, costs, and profitability.
      • Clear and realistic financial projections for the next 3-5 years.
      • Ability to secure funding, manage capital, and demonstrate return on investment (ROI).
  • Pitch/Submission Delivery: 10%
    • Judges will evaluate both the submission and in-person pitch presentation, looking for:
      • Clear and concise communication of your value proposition.
      • Ability to engage and captivate the audience (in-person only; creativity encouraged in your initial submission).
      • Demonstration of a deep understanding of the business, industry, and market opportunity.
      • Confidence and professionalism. 

6. Awards

First Place Prize is a combination cash and media/advertising award on Outside’s platforms worth $100,000.00 in total value. The allocation of cash and media is to be confirmed and will be announced at a later date. The media plan will be executed across Outside’s network and platforms by Outside. 

Second Place Prize (Runner Up) is a media/advertising award on Outside’s platforms worth $50,000 in total value. The media plan will be executed across Outside’s network and platforms by Outside. 

The Outside Ignite People’s Choice Award is a cash and media/advertising award worth $20,000 in total value, to be determined by audience members' votes. The allocation of cash and media is to be confirmed and will be announced at a later date. The media plan will be executed across Outside’s network and platforms by Outside. 

Outside Ignite Digital Badges. Outside will provide digital badges (i.e. image file asset) to all finalists after the conclusion of the event to indicate their participation in Outside Ignite 2025. The badge may be used on finalist’s digital properties inclusive of social media, website, and emails as directed by Outside. 

7. Mentorship 

Finalists will be given mentorship and preparation support in advance of the pitch competition (to be defined and communicated at the time of finalist notification). 

8. Winner Notification

Winners will be announced at the Outside Summit during the event on Friday, May 30, 2025. All potential winners are subject to verification. Upon verification of eligibility, prizes will be awarded no later than Monday, September 1, 2025. Prizes will be awarded in accordance with these rules. Outside’s determination of eligibility and selection of winners is binding on all participants. The prizes are nontransferable and nonassignable, and noncash prizes cannot be redeemed for cash. All costs, fees, expenses, and taxes (including, without limitation, federal, state, and local taxes) associated with any element of a prize are the sole responsibility of the winner.

9. Grant of License/Publicity Waiver

By entering this Contest and in consideration for the same, the entrant grants Outside Interactive, Inc. an irrevocable, non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to broadcast, publish, store, reproduce, distribute, syndicate, and otherwise use and exhibit the Submission (along with their names and/or likenesses) in all media now known and later come into being. The entrant represents and warrants that they have full legal right, power and authority to grant Outside Interactive the foregoing license. The entrant agrees to sign documents deemed necessary by Outside to confirm and document the license. The license granted pursuant to this paragraph does not divest the entrant of ownership of the Contest submission.

Entrant consents to Outside capturing their likeness in photographs, video, and audio recordings.  Entrant grants to Outside  an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to utilize, adapt, modify, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform and display the photographs, video, and/or audio (collectively "Media") taken of entrant for use in promotional, educational, informational, advertising or commercial materials and communications in any form now known or later developed. Entrant further consents to  the use of their name, image, likeness, and voice (collectively, "Likeness") in the Media for all Materials or any other purposes deemed appropriate by Outside. Entrant waives any right to be notified or to inspect or approve the Media or any Materials that are created using their Likeness, now or in the future.  Entrant agrees to sign any documents deemed necessary by Outside to confirm permission and authorization.

10. Waiver of Liability

By participating, the entrant agrees to waive, release, hold harmless, and indemnify Outside Interactive Inc.; its current and former officers, directors, owners, employees, agents, representatives, affiliates; and the judges (“Released Parties”) from and against any and all liability or causes of action (however named or described) and for any injuries, losses, and/or damages caused by or resulting from entry or participation in this Contest, including without limitation: (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, any Released Party, printing errors, by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest; (2) technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Contest; (4) technical or human error that may occur in the administration of the Contest or the processing of entries; or (5) any injury or damage to persons or property that may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Contest. If for any reason an entrant’s entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, entrants' sole remedy is another entry in the Contest during the entry period. Released Parties are not responsible for any expenses incurred by entrants in connection with participation in this Contest.

11. Confidentiality

All entrants should be aware that finalists’ pitches will be presented in a public forum. Confidentiality is not guaranteed in any way. Applicants should exclude sensitive or confidential information from their pitches and not include confidential material in their applications or submissions. Outside is not responsible for any confidentiality issues that may occur during the course of the competition.

12.  Privacy

By entering the Challenge, each Entrant agrees to Outside’s use of their personal information as described in Outside’s Privacy Policy located at, which is incorporated by reference herein and made a part of these Official Rules, except in those limited cases where these Official Rules expressly expand, modify, or contradict the Privacy Policy. In those circumstances, these Official Rules will govern the privacy relationship between Outside and the Entrants. Entrants understand that if during the registration process of the Challenge, Entrants have elected to opt-in to the sharing of their information with the other Summit attendees, the Entrant has consented to allow Outside to share their personal information with these third-parties.

13. Modification of Contest Rules and/or Contest Termination

Outside reserves the right to modify any term of this Contest and these rules at any time at Outside’s sole discretion. Outside reserves the right to cancel, suspend, and/or modify the Contest, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures, or any other factor beyond Outside’s reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Contest, as determined by Outside in its sole discretion. In such event, Outside reserves the right to award the prizes from among the eligible entries received up to the time of the impairment.

14. Law

This Contest shall be conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. All disputes concerning these terms and Contest shall be adjudicated in the federal and state courts having jurisdiction over Denver, Colorado, USA.

15. Disqualification/Ineligibility

Any attempt to enter this Contest in a manner other than in compliance with and as provided in these rules shall be VOID. Entries received from persons not meeting eligibility requirements will be disqualified. Outside is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, or misdirected entries, all of which will be disqualified.

Outside has the sole discretion to disqualify and/or remove any individual for any reason that it deems appropriate before and/or during the pitch competition. All decisions regarding an individual’s removal and/or disqualification from the pitch competition are final. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.

A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. This Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. Participation constitutes full and unconditional agreement to these rules and Outside and its and judges’ decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Contest. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein and is not guaranteed.